Writing to Music

I love music, in all its forms. I certainly have my preferences as to genres, artists, sounds, musical stylings. My CD collection is an eclectic mix ranging from digeridoo sounds for meditations to doo-wop to alternative rock and metal. I have something for just about every situation and scenario. I listen to music while driving, while in the shower, while performing household chores, and while sleeping. These are all moments when my mind is relaxed and free to create.

Yet I've never been one to listen to music while writing. I find it distracting. Even tones meant to soothe or just provide background sound irritate me to an unreasonable level. When I'm writing, I'm focused. On the story, the worldbuilding, the character creation. Anything, any sound, interrupts that focus. I do find inspiration in music in all those other situations, that I then bring to my writing space later. But listening while writing is an absolute no-go for me.

I tried listening to music while writing this post. I was curious about the playlists that exist, the music that writers and other creatives have curated to keep them engaged and in the necessary mindset while working on specific projects. I'm having a rough go with the second part of Sons and Daughters of Olek, and wondered if the right bit of music might unlock something for me. A Google search brought me to a website full of playlists, organized for authors by the genre they were writing. I selected the first science-fiction playlist...and immediately regretted my decision. It was definitely not to my taste, for the writing exercise and in general. I can only compare it to the melodious shrieking and tinkering sounds of a local band whose full set I once sat through, doggedly determined to support, while both my head and my whiskey glass throbbed and threatened to shatter.

But I see authors on social media posting about the albums or playlists they are/were listening to while writing a particular work. So, I'm curious...Do you listen to music while you create? And do you play something you know, or do you seek something new? Do you listen to vocals and maybe sing along? Do you need atmospheric sounds? Do you listen to the same playlist over and over during a project?
Let me know in the comments!

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