Episode XXXV: A New Outlook

 Hello readers,

If you are a previous visitor of From Cleveland With Love, you may have noticed some changes.
I began this blog in 2009 with no preamble, specifically to document trips I took to keep myself entertained while living in Cleveland. I was hoping to launch my writing career via reviews and recommendations, because it seemed more accessible than finishing that novel I'd been working on since high school.

It's been more than a decade since my last review (and I still haven't finished that blasted novel), but I've had a lot of experiences that I'm excited to share.

So if you're interested in what a Cleveland native with some serious wanderlust and too many fantasy ideals gets up to, stick around!

Or, if you found this blog because you've read my sci-fi short Part I: Labor (Sons and Daughters of Olek) and you're looking for behind-the-scenes, writer-y stuff, I'll have that, too!

Adventure, embarrassing stories, regrettable decisions and auto-immune disease are all in store!
These are the tales of one creative from Cleveland, with love.
Please, call me Aerofaux

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