It seems like it has been hot and rainy for weeks. Hot even by my standards, and so humid that I'm becoming uncomfortable. For the majority of my life, I've preferred temperatures in the mid-high 70°s Fahrenheit, but lately I've noticed that I'm becoming more acclimated to temperatures in the low 60°s - 70°s. To the point that the present temperature of 79° has me sweating and debating air conditioning. I absolutely blame my partner, who prefers downright chilly temperatures and whom I want to keep comfortable in our home during the summer. It's only fair, since he suffers through winter while I have the heat cranked up to temperatures unreasonable to most other human beings. Once I'm cold, I cannot get warm; it's worse without sunshine.
Beyond the personal relationship implications of the weather, it is also seeping into my writing. I was working on a scene in my fantasy novel in which the protagonist is traveling. Suddenly, a rainstorm occurred! Granted this protagonist is a sorcerer with some watery magic abilities, so the storm could plausibly suit the story, but it definitely wasn't in the early drafts. Outside my window, a fresh rainstorm beat into the yard and had me considering building an ark. Whether or not the impromptu rain remains in the scene, it did remind me to pay more attention to atmosphere.
Where I live, I worry about damaging rainstorms and flooding more than tornadoes or fires or drought. If such an event did occur in my area, I would be far less prepared to deal with it than others who more often experience such natural phenomena. Types of weather can become routine, and you can forget how awesome and terrifying they truly are.
Artemis is sprawled at my feet declaring things have become too hot and humid. It's time for me to close up the house and turn on the AC. She'll retreat under the bed for maximum frost (it'll be like someone unleashed the Casket of Ancient Winters) and remain there throughout the expected thunderstorm. Yes, I'm adjusting the household temperature based upon the wishes of my cat, rather than my partner. Luckily for him, she also appreciates a cool abode :)
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